
Alberta’s TIER system requires facilities with emissions >100kt CO2e/year to reduce their emissions intensities (EI) annually, and awards facilities with reductions tradable credits. Facilities that are unable to reduce their EI must pay the carbon tax on excess emissions but may retire eligible carbon offsets or carbon credits to reduce this amount.

Transactional Data

Weekly transactional volumes are monitored to build confidence in the the liquidity of the TIER system. See which companies are participating in the TIER market, what they are trading and the companies they are trading with. EPCs vs. Offsets, volumes, and which vintages are trading are key details to each transaction. Study holdings, protocols, and retirements to gain an inside view into market patterns.

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Macro View of TIER

Toggle between multiple scenarios to better understand how CCUS hub adoption, net zero electricity by 2035, and increased benchmark tightening rates impact overall market dynamics out to 2030. Our proprietary macro model of the TIER market shows how each sector affects the overall supply demand balance of credits and offsets.  This view gives a high-level forecast of which sectors are short, which are long and by how much. Use this information to forecast how closely EPCs and Offsets will trade to the increasing TIER fund price.

Facility-Specific Views

Study our proprietary facility level modelling of emissions, production, benchmarks, and dig into each facilities’ annual estimated TIER obligations. Operator specific coverage of obligations is showcased and adds depth to the transactional data—explaining why certain entities own the compliance units that they do. Toggle different scenarios such as different benchmark tightening rates to see how each facilities’ obligations are affected by potential shifts in TIER policy.

Price Verification

A confidential consensus based price assessment for the TIER market. In a financial risk exposed world, risk management and sound risk policies on in-house positions is imperative. Carbon Assessors independent price verification service on Alberta TIER credits is a participation-based assessment that will help provide valuation guidelines and market insight to mitigate risk in a non-transparent market.

Our service provides consensus into mid-market prices from leading market participants with a high level of confidentiality. Transaction data is utilized to provide statistical insight along with an assessed spot price to valuate your book positions.

Get in touch with us if you would like to discuss participating in this exciting new product.

Cross-Sector Views

Unearth cross-sector trading opportunities within the In Situ, Oil Sands Mining, Renewable Electricity, and Hydro Carbon Electricity sectors. Study industrial sectors outside of your industry to identify new project development and trade opportunities.

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